Android Developer Console Delete Apk - M/Y MOONRAKER ANDROID DEVELOPER CONSOLE DELETE APK And uploaded it is . Individual apk shows the developer console, ... ...
Removing .apk from Google Play or Developer Console 2012年7月31日 - Check out this answer about unpublishing and deleting from Google Play. How remove application from app listings on Android Developer Console ...
android - How to remove the unpublished apk from the ... 2013年7月9日 - How to remove the unpublished apk from the Google play console ... then delete all .apk files and the app will disappear from your developer ...
Delete unpublished apk from Google Play is not possible 2013年7月9日 - Delete unpublished apk from Google Play is not possible .... the people on google play but it will be still visible to you in the developer console ...
Can we still remove never-published apps from Google Play? 2012年6月24日 - Back when Google Play was Android Market, we used the following ... all .apk files and the app will disappear from your developer console.
android - if I delete an APK from the Play developer console ... 2013年4月5日 - It is first valid when you publish. Just been playing around with my own apks to test it. If you make a wrong configuration, like archieving the newest ...
Delete a unpublished app from Google Play - Stack Overflow 2013年2月13日 - I create a new app in my Google play account. ... There is an unofficial delete which might possibly be a bug/glitch in the old android developer console. ... Press delete on the current activated APK and your draft application ...
android - Google Play Beta testing without a published app ... 2013年5月30日 - You can put your Google Play Developer Console into "Advanced ... @Juuso, you can unpublish an APK, you just cannot delete it entirely.
How to delete a Draft from google play Developer Console? 2013年1月11日 - I have a test draft on Google Play developer console. It is empty, no apk files on it and no description, I just created it for check something.
android - How to remove the apk file in google play? - Stack ... 2014年7月30日 - How remove application from app listings on Android Developer Console 3 answers. I am new to android and I have released my first app in ...